images show a picture of artist kerry hussey smiling with a finger peace symbol

🌿🌻what's currently happening at Of Wild And Wonder!🌻🌿

What I am currently up to in the studio 

So currently at Of Wild And Wonder HQ, I am working on adding more to the shop..yay!

I am currently working on some small bits and bobs like stickers, sticker sheets and badges…is there anything you would like to see from us?

I am also working on how to offer international overseas orders too! It's all very new to me so thought I would work it out in the UK first and then open up to the EU and the rest of the world after, so it's not so intimidating all at once! 

I am also starting to book events again!! ... I am so excited !!
so I have a few things booked in for the end of the year and I will also be booking some events soon for next year also, as soon as I have the dates confirmed all these will be up on our events page on the website, so you can easily see where we are going to be next! it will be great to get out into selling in person again, It is always nice to meet you guys and say hello in person! 


If you would like to keep up with what's going on at of world and wonder then please follow me on my Instagram because on there with stories I do post pretty much daily of what's currently happening and what's currently going on and you can also contact me there if you have any questions or requests or commissions and anything religious gimme a heads up and say hi

kerry 🍄

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